At 19:00 on December 8, Xinwen Lianbo, a flagship program of CCTV, broadcasted the unveiling ceremony of the Athletes' Village for the 31st FISU Summer World University Games Chengdu held at Chengdu University to the world. According to the 30-second report, the Athletes' Village project, covering an area of 800,000 square meters, commenced in April 2019. After the reconstruction of student apartments and dining halls and the construction of 22 new single buildings, like delegation apartments, a medical center and a swimming pool, the project was completed in March 2021. It is reported that the Games will be held in Chengdu in June 2022.
At 21:30 on the same day, the Sports World, a prime time news program of the sports channel CCTV-5, also made a nearly two-minute video report on the opening of the Athletes' Village for the Games.

The People's Daily published on December 9 reported on this event with the topic of "The Opening of the Athletes' Village for the 31st FISU Summer World University Games Chengdu" on its 13th page (Sports). This event has also caught the full attention of network and new media outlets like people.cn and Chinanews.com. People.cn, CCTV News client, Chinanews.com and other central media, network and new media organizations have conducted full coverage of it.
Moreover, provincial and municipal media have reported on this piece of news on all kinds of media, like newspapers, websites, social platforms (Weibo and Wechat) and clients. There are video reports made by SCTV-1's Sichuan News program and CDTV's CDTV News program. The website of the Sichuan Provincial People's Government, Sichuan Daily, Chengdu Daily, West China City Daily, and Chengdu Business Daily have unveiled details of the Athletes' Village on their home/front pages or important positions in the form of texts and pictures. New media platforms, such as Sichuan Observation, Chuan Guan News, Chengdu News Release, Cover News, Sichuan Online, and Jinguan News, have also pushed relevant reports immediately.
The Athletes' Village has been officially delivered at the important milestone of the 200-day countdown to the 31st FISU Summer World University Games Chengdu. Shi Xiaolin, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Sichuan Party Committee, Secretary of the CPC Chengdu Municipal Committee and Vice President of the Organizing Committee of the Games, has attended the unveiling ceremony of the Village. Meanwhile, FISU Acting President Leonz EDER has delivered a speech via videoconferencing. To ensure the smooth operation of the Athletes' Village, the Executive Committee of the Games has set up the Mayor of Village Committee and released a plan that enables Chengdu citizens to benefit from the venues of the Games.
Web links for reports by central media organizations
People's Daily: http://paper.people.com.cn/rmrb/html/2021-12/09/nw.D110000renmrb_20211209_3-13.htm
CCTV-5's Sports World:https://tv.cctv.com/2021/12/08/VIDEYuOF4WspHTZBKj4bxLBV211208.shtml? spm=C28340.PTEIZZ4GiRby.EQ8bdhWcX4v5.4
Chinanews.com: https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s? id=1718549636602515969&wfr=spider&for=pc