CDU Approved Base for Nutrition, Health Benefits and Quality Business and Technology of National Famous, Special and New Agricultural Products

Recently, the Center for Agricultural Product Quality and Safety of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the "Letter confirming the School of Food and Biological Engineering of Chengdu University as a base for the nutrition, health benefits and quality business and technology of national famous, special and new agricultural products". This letter has confirmed the School of Food and Biological Engineering of Chengdu University as the base for the nutrition, health benefits and quality business and technology of national famous, special and new agricultural products. The base serves as a "Chengdu Center for the Whole Process Quality Control Technology of National Famous, Special and New Agricultural Products (Coarse Cereals and Prepared Vegetables)" (CAQS-GAP-KZZX045) ("the Center") and "National Science and Technology Base of Agricultural Products Quality, Safety, Nutrition and Health Benefits" (GAQS-KPJD-0092) ("the Base") to offer public services in business and technology. The "Center" and "Base" are based on the Key Laboratory of Coarse Cereals Processing of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and other platforms, and established following the application of the School of Food and Biological Engineering of the University, the recommendation of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the approval of the Center for Agricultural Product Quality and Safety of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

Going forward, the School of Food and Biological Engineering, the Key Laboratory of Coarse Cereals Processing of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and the Sichuan Provincial Coarse Cereals Industrialization Technology Research Center will actively perform the duties of quality control technology center and science base and offer public services in business and technology. They will explore the whole process quality control of national famous, special and new agricultural products and prepared vegetables (pre-made agricultural products) in terms of technology R&D, technology evaluation, technology training, technology services, pilot promotion, and other technological innovation efforts, and launch awareness campaigns in the quality, safety, nutrition, and health benefits of agricultural products, science interpretation, as well as Q&A, production guidance, consumption guidance, production and consumption monitoring and evaluation experience, exhibition and display, and other business and technical efforts. They will give full play to the leading role of the Base and the Center in offering science-based guidance for the production of high-quality and special agricultural products, promoting the cultivation of agricultural brands, and guiding the consumption of agricultural products, so as to serve the development of high-quality agriculture and rural revitalization in all aspects.