Text by: Tan Congwen, Tan Deming and Wang Pan
Source: College of Mechanical Engineering and College of Pharmacy
From September 7 to 8, the International Conference on Translational Research and Innovation (ICTRI 2022) - special focus on Green Energy, Materials and Healthy Sustainable Developments was held online. The conference was sponsored by Chengdu University (CDU) and the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM), with the support from the Swedish Association of Advanced Materials, and organized by the College of Mechanical Engineering and College of Pharmacy, CDU. It was strongly supported by the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange and the Office of Science and Technology Affairs of CDU.
The success of the 2021 International Conference on the Translational Research and Innovation provided a broad exchange platform for researchers from universities and research institutes at home and abroad. On this basis, this conference focused on promoting academic exchanges in the basic fields of green energy, materials and healthy sustainable developments to advance climate neutral technology to a higher level. English was the common language of the conference, and the conference consisted of conference speeches, invited talks, oral presentations, online poster exhibitions and written exchanges.

At the conference, Prof. Wang Qingyuan, President of CDU, and Prof. Ashutosh Tiwari, Secretary General of the IAAM, delivered opening speeches as conference chairmen. They extended a warm welcome to all the representatives and guests participating, and wished the international conference a great success. Afterwards, Prof. Ashutosh Tiwari presented on "Climate Diplomacy to Attain Global Eco-Neutrality". He stated that it is urgent to take such measures to address extreme weather conditions and keep them normal as ecological practice, green science agreement, time-limited government strategies and comprehensive climate campaigns. Prof. Yu Xiaoping from the College of Preclinical Medicine of CDU, gave a presentation on "The Protective Effect and Molecular Mechanism ofDelphinidin Targeted Ferroptosis Against Retinal Photochemical Damage". The presentation explored the molecular mechanism of delphinidin targeted ferroptosis against retinal photochemical damage (RPD) from three aspects: iron overload, lipid peroxidation and glutathione exhaustion, through an in vitro RPD model.Prof. Mikael Syväjärvi, member of the IAAM, conducted a market research, providing insights into how the sustainable development goals can be further achieved against the background of economic growth in Europe. Prof. Huang Weiyang from Hong Kong Polytechnic University shared his research progress on phosphorescent metal complexes and reviewed the latest research progress on various ligand group functionalized phosphorescent metal complexes from the perspective of structure-property relationship. The conference was indeed kicked off by the excellent presentations of the four experts mentioned above.

There were five parallel sessions during the two-day international conference, i.e. energy innovation and storage technologies, biological materials and devices, new technologies for sustainable development in medicine and health, composite and ceramic materials technologies, and structural engineering and sustainable materials engineering. A total of 41 experts and scholars gave excellent presentations. They are from The University of Manchester, Sichuan University, Swedish Association of Advanced Materials, Nanyang Technological University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tianjin University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, University of Southern Denmark, Chongqing University, Xuchang University, Hacettepe University, Xiyuan Institute of Biopharmaceuticals of West China Hospital, Zhengzhou University, Moss University, University of Liverpool, Southwest Jiaotong University, Southwest Petroleum University, Aerospace Information Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Southwest University of Science and Technology and CDU.

The Innovation Award was granted to experts for their contributions to global sustainable development in the fields of materials, energy, biology and environment. Meanwhile, the Best Oral Report Award, Excellent Conference Papers Award and Excellent Conference Poster Award were presented to young scholars delivering oral reports, conference papers and posters. The conference also drew attention from many experts and scholars, with more than 8,000 views of the live broadcasting in two days. It marked that the conference has gained wider attention and success.
The focus of this conference was line with the resolution on strategic cooperation signed by CDU and IAAM in 2019, and the planned goals of IAAM's2030 Agendafor scientific research and translational innovation in energy and health.With the theme of translational research and innovation, the conference focused on new technologies for net zero, climate neutrality and sustainable health development and encouraged international experts in related fields to participate in and carry out academic exchange. It was designed to promote friendly cooperation among countries, establish mutually beneficial relationships and advance the academic development in materials in a sustainable manner.