In order to expand bilateral cooperation and exchange, promote the cultivation of international talent, and comply with the global trend of mutual exchange and win-win cooperation, the College of Mechanical Engineering of Chengdu University and the Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology of Silpakorn University held an online meeting on the "2+2" outstanding engineering talent international program on March 3, based on the previous discussions and the recent alignment of curriculums. The meeting was attended by representatives from Silpakorn University, including Assistant to the President, Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology, Academic Vice-President, Assistant to the Dean, Head of Mechanical Department, and other professionals, as well as representatives of Chengdu University, including Gao Jing, Head of Section of Project Operation Management of International Cooperation and Exchange Office, Tang Mao, Vice-President of College of Mechanical Engineering, Ni Yanting, head of International Cooperation and Exchange Office, and other teachers involved in the program.

At the meeting, Professor Saroj Pullteap, Assistant to the President of Silpakorn University, and Professor Arunsri Leejeerajumnean, Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology, fully affirmed the close cooperation and early communication between the two sides on the "2+2" program since September. Subsequently, members of the program of both sides discussed and negotiated in detail on the specific issues involved in the cooperation agreement, such as fees, scholarship standards, English examination requirements, student visas, and rights and interests of both sides, and confirmed the content of the agreement. It is expected that students will be enrolled in September this year with the joint efforts of both universities.

News link: Silpakorn University is a 4 Star institution in the QS Stars rating system. It signed a student exchange agreement and an undergraduate-postgraduate joint education agreement with Chengdu University in 2017, becoming an important partner of the College of Mechanical Engineering.