Md Altab Hossin, Winner of "Jinsha Friendship Award" and a High-level Foreign Expert at Chengdu University: With Lifelong Love for China, the "Messenger" of China-Bangladesh Friendship
Author:Min Xiuling          Source:News Center         Date:2024-08-26

On August 21, the award ceremony of the 5th "Jinsha Friendship Award"was held. Md Altab Hossin, a high-level foreign expert from the Entrepreneurship College of Chengdu University, won this award, and Deputy Mayor Xu Xingguo presented it to him. The "Jinsha Friendship Award" is established by Chengdu City and is the highest honorary title awarded to foreign experts who have made outstanding contributions to Chengdu. It is selected every three years.

Md Altab Hossin, a Bangladeshi Ph.D., is an expert in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship, artificial intelligence and big data and a high-level foreign expert at the Entrepreneurship College of Chengdu University. He once served as the chief representative of the China Office of Walton Hi-Tech Industries Co., Ltd. in Bangladesh. He has studied and lived in China for 15 years and obtained a Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card of the People's Republic of China. He actively publicized Chengdu and built a bridge between China and Bangladesh. Focusing on innovation and entrepreneurship, he established digital innovation laboratories to guide innovation and entrepreneurship projects and is committed to cultivating more innovative and entrepreneurial talents for Chengdu with his academic and professional capabilities. "By telling China's stories and recommending Chinese products, I will better fulfill my responsibility as a messenger between the two countries and contribute to the friendship between China and Bangladesh," said Md Altab Hossin.

Md Altab Hossin: With Lifelong Love for China, the "Messenger" of China-Bangladesh Friendship

Life Choice at the Age of 21: Go to China!

Md Altab Hossin belongs to the post-85s generation and was born in July 1987. He grew up in Chengthi village, Panchagarh city in northern Bangladesh. There is an older brother and two younger sisters at home. His father, a secondary school teacher who taught Arabic and a senior intellectual with a postgraduate qualification, attached particular importance to the education of his children. When he was a child, his father often inspired him to think about such questions as "what will you do in the future". Influenced by his family, Md Altab Hossin always ranked first in his class from primary school to junior high school. In junior high, Md Altab Hossin was awarded the young genius government scholarship, which was enough to cover his living expenses in junior high for several years. For the first time, Md Altab Hossin, who went to a larger town for high school study, found that he ranked "lower" in the class. Amidst great pressure, strong enterprise drove him to stay up all night reading and consult teachers for several times. Finally, he returned to the top of the class at the end of the semester and was admitted to HSTU (Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science and Technology University)to study electronic information engineering, becoming the only student who was admitted to a national university among his classmates in primary and secondary schools.

China was a strange country for Md Altab Hossin at that time. He learned about the country, its population and culture from what his teachers taught him in class. He also knew that China was the origin of items and utensils that accompany him every day in life. Apart from this, there is nothing more about China in his mind.

Until 2007, teachers from Shenyang University of Chemical Technology came to Bangladesh and his university to publicize the joint cultivation program of two universities. Due to curiosity about China, Md Altab Hossin attended the on-site briefing. When Md Altab Hossin saw the landscape and cultural scenery of China in the promotional video, he was deeply attracted and had a strong desire to go to China.

"Why are you going to China?" Md Altab Hossin's plan was opposed by his classmates and friends, but his family fully supported him. Particularly, his father told him that "China is developing rapidly with great potential, and you will learn more in China". In order to make full preparations, the teacher also went to Shenyang University of Chemical Technology specially to arrange everything in advance.

Md Altab Hossin was studying in Shenyang

With yearning for China, suppressing the fear of the unknown and plucking up the courage to go ahead, 21-year-old Md Altab Hossin and his classmate set out from their hometown in September 2008. They passed through Kunming and landed in Shenyang, finally setting foot on the land of China. Looking at the modern industrial areas full of high-rise buildings, a whole new world appeared in front of him. At that time, Md Altab Hossin only felt that "China's development is faster than he expected."

When he came to a completely unfamiliar environment, the first problem he encountered is language. With no basic knowledge of Chinese, he kept "practicing" by talking with people around him while taking the language courses set up by the university. In 2009, just one year after arriving in China, he passed the HSK level 4 test. One and a half years passed quickly. Looking back on that time when he first arrived in China, he said, "I was very busy learning Chinese and specialized courses. Unconsciously, the time passed."

After graduating from university, Md Altab Hossin returned to Bangladesh and joined the local office of China Water Resources and Hydropower Company[u3] as a translator. Later, he joined Walton Group, the No. 1 player in Bangladesh's household appliance industry, responsible for its business contacts and product development with suppliers in China.

In September 2011, Md Altab Hossin, who "wanted to go further in his major, pursue better education and spend more time in China", went to Chengdu under the recommendation of his tutor and entered the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China for a master's degree, thus starting his journey in Chengdu.

Taking Root in Chengdu, A Foreign Friend's Entrepreneurial Path

Md Altab Hossin can speak Mandarin fluently now, and there is no obstacle to communicating with people. However, with no knowledge of spoken Chinese at that time, he bravely went to China and experienced some devil training.

"Chinese characters look like spider webs when they are written", an international student who was learning Chinese complained to Md Altab Hossin.Considering the pains and difficulties in learning Chinese, Md Altab Hossin developed an interactive system "Smart Chinese Platform" for Chinese learning under the guidance of Fang Jiaming and other teachers based on his major during the doctoral period. The platform focuses on the problems encountered by foreigners in listening, speaking, reading and writing when learning Chinese. It supports fast English-Chinese translation, explanation and phonetic teaching and reading, can dynamically teach Chinese character stroke writing, and provides Chinese vocabulary learning, Chinese dictionary, Chinese pronunciation, Chinese writing, situational dialogue, HSK test and other learning contents. At present, Chinese learning software has been built into a relatively mature website (, with stable user flow and user feedback. There are more than 30,000 registered users, with a favorable rate of 98%.

Md Altab Hossin's team won the first prize with the highest score in the 1st Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle Innovation Competition for International Students with the theme of "Innovation in West China, Studying in Chengdu-Chongqing".

In October 2017, the Creation and Innovation Competition of College Students of Chengdu International Sister Cities Higher Education Institutions Alliance was held at Chengdu University. Md Altab Hossin and his team participated in the "Smart Chinese Platform" project and won the special prize. It was this competition experience that became the beginning of Md Altab Hossin's close relationship with Chengdu University.

In December 2021, the final of the 2nd Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle Innovation Competition for International Students organized by Chengdu University under the theme of "Innovation in West China, Studying in Chengdu-Chongqing" welcomed a familiar friend. This time, Md Altab Hossin, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, changed his role to become an entrepreneurship mentor and led the team to participate in the competition. He finally won the Outstanding Entrepreneurship Mentor Award. Inspired by the good memories of participating in the competition at Chengdu University four years ago, he specially visited the old friends and teachers from the Entrepreneurship College. It was this meeting that finally facilitated Md Altab Hossin to join Chengdu University. "We have learned from various sources that Chengdu University is developing rapidly, with strong support for innovation and entrepreneurship and practical policies," he said.

In March 2022, Md Altab Hossin officially joined Chengdu University, with Room 213 in the Entrepreneurship College becoming his studio. In front of the Student Activity Center, where his studio is located, there is a path leading to the student library. He especially likes this place. "On this path, I can see many students heading to the library at any time. Their dedication inspires my own enthusiasm for research."

Here, he focuses on building a "digital innovation laboratory". In addition to teaching the course "Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice", most of his energy is devoted to developing a new platform. "Many people want to start their own businesses but lack relevant knowledge resources. What I aim to do is leverage AI and big data to create a high-quality knowledge base for entrepreneurship and innovation, thereby cultivating innovative and entrepreneurial talent." Reflecting on his impression of Chengdu University, Md Altab Hossin said, "My colleagues at Chengdu University are exceptional and hardworking. The high-quality academic research platform, friendly working environment, and cutting-edge innovative technology here provide strong support for me to realize my dreams".

"A good teacher and helpful friend, amiable and with exemplary behavior," remarked student Zhu Wentong about teacher Md Altab Hossin. "Mr. Hossin genuinely cares about us. Whenever we stay in the laboratory until mealtime, he always treats us to a meal in the canteen. Besides, he gives us special surprises on holidays." Beyond these small gestures of kindness, what Zhu Wentong remembers most profoundly are the words of inspiration the teacher often shared: "A brave beginning is half the success!"

Build a "Heart-to-Heart Bridge" Between China and Bangladesh

In 2014, Md Altab Hossin married his girlfriend, who also studied at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and became a son-in-law in China. He won the Excellent Academic and Performance Award three consecutive times during his doctoral studies at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. In 2018, he was nominated as an "Outstanding International Student" at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. In 2021, he was honored as the Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. He has published over 100 articles in internationally recognized journals and conferences in the name of university personnel in Chengdu. Nowadays, Md Altab Hossin, who has achieved success in his studies, family life, and career, deeply appreciates that the open, inclusive, and friendly environment of Chengdu has provided him with fertile ground and essential nutrients for growth.

He has traveled extensively across China as the chief representative of the China Office of Walton Hi-Tech Industries Co., Ltd. in Bangladesh. Among the numerous cities he has visited, Chengdu remains his favorite. "A sense of belonging can be found here," he said. "Chengdu is a vibrant city with numerous parks and a well-developed transportation system. It's very convenient to travel anywhere. Chengdu fosters a robust environment of innovation and offers substantial policy support. The city warmly welcomes and highly respects talent, particularly in the information technology sector. Chengdu encourages entrepreneurship through a variety of incentives and support policies." Moreover, he said enthusiastically, "Chengdu's humid climate adds to its comfort. Based on a leisurely pace of life, people can achieve a work-life balance with their passion fo progress."

Md Altab Hossin wrote in Science and Technology Daily, "Developing Your Career, Realizing Your Dream in China".

He is eager to share his experiences and impressions of China, particularly those of Chengdu. As a special guest on Bangladesh's ZOOMBANGLA Television Station, he discussed his insights into China's higher education, its development, and its achievements. He also published articles in prominent Chinese media outlets such as Science and Technology Daily, sharing the experiences of a foreigner in China. "Peace, flexibility, and friendliness are the qualities of China that convinced me to settle down here," he wrote in his article published on October 31, 2023 and titled "Developing Your Career, Realizing Your Dream in China". He noted that China's working environment and policy system enable individuals to fairly develop their careers. On numerous occasions, he has served as an "promotion officer" for Chengdu, advocating for the city's talent policy and encouraging people to come to Chengdu to achieve their dreams and thrive in China. He has actively promoted international exchange programs, facilitated cooperation between Chengdu universities and institutions abroad, organized student exchange initiatives, and introduced China's higher education system through lectures whenever he returned to his homeland. The academic, scientific, and research environment at colleges and universities in Sichuan Province has attracted more outstanding foreign talents and students to Chengdu.

Matchmaking for international cooperation and exchange programs

Nothing, not even mountains or oceans, can separate one heart from another. How will you fulfill your mission and responsibility as a messenger between China and Bangladesh in the future? Confronted with this question, he candidly stated, "Any task requires planning and we are not superhuman. This large project cannot be completed by a single person. In every lecture, I emphasize to the international students that each of us represents our home country in China and China in our home country. We have a responsibility to serve as a bridge between the two. Therefore, I will endeavor to attract more compatriots to join my team and continuously seek high-quality international students and exchange programs for Chengdu. Each participant will serve as a representative to build more bridges and create connections. Additionally, I will strengthen the international platform to effectively share China's stories, promote Chinese products, highlight China's education and culture, and expand international cooperation and exchange initiatives."

Group photo of Md Altab Hossin with his wife and two daughters

"Coming to China is a Wise Decision for Me!"

In 2020, Md Altab Hossin obtained a permanent residence permit for foreigners and "became 'half Chinese'," he said. "This represents China's recognition of me, allowing me to settle down."

Nowadays, Md Altab Hossin not only knows how to play mahjong but has also developed a taste for traditional Chinese cuisine. He relishes dishes like fish mint and spicy hot pot, with his favorites being Roasted Chicken with Taro and Braised Beef in Brown Sauce. Due to having two daughters in his family, he particularly relates to the TV series "No Easy to Raise a Child" as it mirrors his own daily life experiences. In addition to navigating the daily intricacies of integrating into Chinese life, he remains dedicated to his professional endeavors. China New Time has become his desk book, driven by his commitment to "know and understand China, so that I can share its positive aspects on the international stage".

Promotion of China on the TV program of Bangladesh Television Station

As a "new Chengdu native" who has started his own business in the city, he feels increasingly connected to China as he learns more about the country and establishes his roots here. "Chengdu is a forward-looking and inclusive city. If you have innovative ideas, promising projects, and dedicated teams, you will easily find opportunities for incubation, financing, and expert guidance here." "China is currently advancing high-quality development and has excelled in various areas, including education, ecological civilization, manufacturing, household appliances, industrial materials, and talent policies. What I most highly recommend to my compatriots are China's household appliances and higher education system. Chinese universities boast the most advanced experimental equipment, technical support, and professional faculty. They consistently offer high-quality education at very affordable prices and are strong in the fields of advanced materials and information technology."

After more than ten years of "adventure in China", those who once opposed Md Altab Hossin's decision to move to China now recognize that he made the right choice. "The name of the village where I was born sounds very similar to how 'Chengdu' is pronounced in my hometown dialect. My friends say that it's destiny linking me to Chengdu." Md Altab Hossin said, "It takes great courage to take that first step towards China. A brave beginning is half the success. Coming to China has provided me with the opportunity to rewrite my life and pursue my dreams. I am so lucky!"