On November 8, QS University Rankings Asia 2023 was released. 760 universities in Asia were included in this list, surpassing the previoustotal number of universities. Theassessment is based on academicreputation, graduates' employability, research quality, resource advantages and universityinternationalisation. Thisis the first timethatChengdu University (CDU) was shortlisted in the list, ranking 501st-550th in the Asian area, 272nd in Easter Asia, and 128th in the Chinese mainland.

On April 19, 2022, Shanghai Ranking released its Best Chinese Universities Ranking 2022,withCDU ranking 247thamong 590 universities on the list. On October 12, Times Higher Education (THE) released its World University Rankings 2023, which included 1,799 universities from 104 countries and regions around the world. CDU successfully made itself on the list and ranked 801st-1000th in the world, becoming one of the 95 universities in the Chinese mainland on the list. On October 25, US News released the 2023 World University Rankings, which included 2,165 universities from 95 countries and regions. A total of 382 Chinese universitieswere on the list, 338 of whichwere from the Chinese mainland.CDU wasfirst included in the list,ranking 1,519th in the world, 514th in the Asian area, and 198th in the Chinese mainland. In this year's rankings, 15 universities in Sichuan Province are included in the list, with CDU ranking 10th in the province. So far, CDU has achieved a breakthrough in the four internationally-recognized authoritative worlduniversityrankings.