Text by: Wang Yupeng Feng Menglu Che Mengting Source: School of Mechanical Engineering
From October 27 to 28, the 2021 International Conference on the Translational Research and Innovation in Health, Energy and Environment (ICTRI-HEE 2021) was held at the Academic Exchange Center A104 of Chengdu University, co-sponsored by Chengdu University, the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) and the Swedish Association of Advanced Materials, and undertaken by the School of Mechanical Engineering of Chengdu University. 21 experts and scholars from home and abroad shared their research results around the theme of the Conference. Ashutosh Tiwari, Professor at the Swedish Association of Advanced Materials, delivered an online speech. Wang Qingyuan, President of Chengdu University, attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. The Heads of the Office of International Cooperation and Exchange and School of Mechanical Engineering also attended the Conference.

President Wang Qingyuan extended his warm welcome to all participants. He said that in recent years, the University has experienced rapid development and its comprehensive competitiveness is gradually increasing. Chengdu University also focuses on international development, emphasizing scientific research and actively participating in various activities of universities around the world. Based on the strategic cooperation agreement signed between Chengdu University and IAAM in 2019 and the strategic objectives of the 2030 Agenda of IAAM, this Conference will promote friendly cooperation between the two parties, strengthen mutually beneficial relations, and promote the continuous cooperation between the two parties in the academic field of international advanced materials, thus contributing to the development of the participants and their areas and regions.
The Conference lasted for two days, with a total of 21 experts and scholars attending the Conference, who came from renowned research institutions and universities in 9 countries including China, Sweden, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, the United States, India, Turkey, Spain. The Conference was conducted simultaneously online and offline. At the Conference, researchers delivered keynote speeches. Professor Ashutosh Tiwari delivered a keynote speech on the theme of "The Emerging Global Trends in Advanced Material Research for Achieving the Net Zero Goals of Carbon Emission". And domestic experts like Zhu Shunpeng, Professor at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Wang Chong, Professor at Sichuan University, Yao Weitang and Yuxue, Professors at the School of Mechanical Engineering of Chengdu University, etc. also delivered excellent keynote speeches, on the themes of "Energy Intensity Method for Fatigue Model of Metal Probability Gap under Size Effect", "The Value of Synergies in Emerging Research and Innovation" "N/O Double Doped Biomass Hard Carbon Material Realizes Fast and Stable Potassium Ion Storage" and "Research and Development of Nano Generator with Low-cost Flexible Energy Collector" respectively. Moreover, several teachers at home and abroad also delivered speeches at the Conference.
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This Conference is based on the purpose of the strategic cooperation agreement signed between Chengdu University and IAAM in 2019 and the strategic objectives of the 2030 Agenda of IAAM on Translational Research and Innovation in Health, Energy and Environment. Themed by "Translational Research and Innovation in Health, Energy and Environment", it aims to encourage international experts in the related fields to participate in academic exchange activities to promote friendly cooperation and mutual benefit between both parties, thus achieving the common development goal of the two parties in the field of international advanced materials.