This Summer International Course Program lasted for two weeks, with high-quality teachers and curriculum resources at home and abroad and a multi-disciplinary teaching platform, and 10 international courses in foreign languages are offered, including: "Explore the English World Together: Listening and Speaking", "Explore the English World Together: Reading and Writing", "Introduction to Particle Physics", "Deep cultural collision and dialogue between China and the West", "Cross-cultural Communication and Skill (Career development)", "Sustainability", "Data Mining and Business Intelligence", "When English Meets Majors", "Media Arts: You can Also Be a Creative Expert", "Innovation Management and Leadership", "Intercultural Communication Skills for Professional Development", "Academic Writing", etc. Among them, Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) in New Zealand, one of the Chinese-foreign cooperatively-run schools of College of Overseas Education, provided 5 free courses for this program. A total of 477 students from all colleges of Chengdu University participated in the program and took courses.
The "online + offline" teaching model" was adopted during the program, breaking the temporal and spatial boundaries of education. The overall teaching style of the foreign teachers is friendly and humorous, with substantial and rich teaching content and diverse online teaching methods. In addition to videos and pictures, there were also teaching links such as group discussion, case analysis and scenario simulation, fully mobilizing students' initiative and enthusiasm for participation.
Students said that it's a unique learning experience to take these rewarding courses. These courses have not only helped them learn certain professional knowledge, but also improved their foreign language ability. More importantly, their intercultural communication skills and understanding of cultural diversity have been improved.

The Summer International Course Program is an important measure for Chengdu University to promote the internationalization strategy upgrade and improve the internationalization of courses, faculty members and students at the beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan. It provides another innovative international education and learning platform for the cultivation of young college students with global knowledge, international vision and global competence in the 21st century. The success of this program provided useful experience for its further expansion next year in how to improve the quantity and quality of courses and benefit more students.