College of Architecture and Civil Engineering

The School of Architecture and Civil Engineering was founded in 1984. Currently, there are 6 undergraduate specialties — Civil Engineering (first-class specialty), Engineering Management (first-class specialty), Architecture, Engineering Cost, Environmental Engineering, and Geomatics Engineering.

The School currently has 109 faculty members, including 99 full-time teachers, 12 professors, 28 associate professors. Among them, there are 48 doctors, accounting for 48.5% of the total, 5 ditinguished professors and 1 distinguished high-end foreign expert. Dual-qualified teachers account for more than 90%, and more than 30 people have professional qualifications such as the certified architect, geotechnical engineer, structural engineer, constructor, surveyor, environmental assessment engineer, and r cost engineer.

In the past three years, talent cultivation has made significant achievements. Based on the "Double Ten Thousand" Plan of the Ministry of Education, the Comprehensive Professional Reform Project of the Ministry of Education and Sichuan Province, and the Excellent Engineer Training Program of Sichuan Province, the School has carried out the construction of specialties. By vigorously cultivating "BIM+PC" new technical talents, the School has signed school-enterprise cooperation agreements with more than 50 units. Great importance is attached to encourage and train students to participate in various discipline competitions. Students have won a total of 68 national, provincial, and ministerial competition awards (including 38 at the national level and 30 at the provincial and ministerial level); the average employment rate of graduates in the last three years is 92%, the post-graduates enrolling rate is 13%, and the high-quality employment rate is increasing year by year.

In the past three years, scientific research has made important progress. In total, teachers presided over 5 national fund projects, 12 provincial and ministerial scientific research projects, won 8 achievement awards of provincial level or above, and published more than 350 academic papers. Nearly 50 high-level research papers have been published, including nearly 30 retrieved by SCI, 20 retrieved by EI and 1 academic paper (The IF= 26.476) in a top international journal. More than 30 textbooks and monographs have been published, more than 120 patents (including more than 10 authorized invention patents) have been authorized, and 60 computer software copyrights have been registered. The School has more than RMB 10 million for scientific research.

In the past three years, social services have achieved outstanding results. Guided by the national, provincial, and municipal medium and long-term technological development and cutting-edge technology, the School closely focuses on the demand of Chengdu’s “5+5+1” modern industrial system and Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle, and actively promotes the scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation in the fields of high-performance and advanced civil engineering materials, urban green development and low-carbon technology, intelligent construction and prefabricated buildings, geotechnical disaster prevention and prediction, etc. In the meantime, the School focuses on solving new problems of urban construction and raises more than RMB 10 million for horizontal scientific and technological research in local services.

The School actively seeks international exchanges and cooperation to continuously broaden the international horizons of teachers and students through international cooperation projects with Denmark, South Korea, Australia, and the United States. The number of teachers and students visiting and studying abroad is increasing year by year.

The School actively serves local economic and social construction. More than 4,000 outstanding graduates have been sent to the society, and a large number of outstanding alumni have emerged. While contributing to society, the alumni pay close attention to and support the development of their alma mater by successively setting up love banks and special scholarships in the university.
