【Full Record of FISU】All Work for the Athletes’ Village for the 31st FISU Summer World University Games 2021 is in a Full Speed after "Fast-forward Button" was Pressed

Chengdu University in Action

Text by: Xiaoxiao Photo by: Xiaoxiao

"The Eyes are covered with greenness in hot summer, and the campus is full of red crape myrtle flowers." The cool breeze is blowing the faces softly after a heavy rain, the moist air is blended with the smell of soil.In the tranquil campus of Chengdu University, "green" buildings are changing their "clothes", and the real looks of some "red" buildings are being unveiled. With the design drawings put into use step by step and wonderful thematic activities shown one after another on the stage or behind the scene, teachers and students in Chengdu University all have pressed the "fast-forward button" and behaved as a good organizer so as to complete construction of the Athletes’ Village perfectly, and make more contribution to the FISU with every effort.


There are 383 days before the opening of the 31st World University Summer Games in Chengdu in 2021, and the figures on the countdown display respectively on the center of Comprehensive Building and before the new library are changing every day. In March this year, the university founded the project headquarters for the FISU (the Athlete's Village), with 15 working groups set up under it. The construction timetable was inverted, and the scheduled plan has been laid down and under rigorous implementation. In the past several months, all the working groups have been losing no time to carry out all construction projects. The Athletes’ Village for the 31st FISU Summer World University Games 2021 is taking shape in a full speed.




When you walk around the campus of Chengdu University, which is changing as a result of the construction of the Athletes’ Village for the 31st FISU Summer World University Games 2021, the slogans can be seen everywhere, on the glass-fronted billboards in front of grassland, at the doors of dining rooms, in front of teaching buildings or at the student center, such as "Hold the Games, Better a University, Benefit a City", "Love Chengdu, Love Chengdu University, Love FISU", "Welcome FISU by Constructing a Beautiful Athletes’ Village for the 31st FISU Summer World University Games 2021" and "All Participate in the Construction of the Athletes' Village and Hold a Successful FISU with All Our Wisdom and Efforts". Every time when teachers and students pass by, they always stop to have a look at these slogans, and jointly look forward to witnessing a more beautiful Chengdu University and a more internationalized Chengdu City.