Feng Wei

Feng Wei, Professor, Master Supervisor, Doctor of Materials Science, Post-doctor of Mechanics, leads the administrative work of the college, and is in charge of comprehensive management, human resources, financial affairs, college assets, teaching workforce development, discipline development, scientific research, graduate teaching management, foreign exchange and cooperation, research lab development and management, etc. In 2018, he was selected as the "Excellent Young Teacher" at Chengdu University. In terms of academic research, his main research areas include porous metal materials, powder metallurgy materials and physical chemistry on the material surface. In recent 5 years, he has led 1 national-level project and 4 provincial-level projects. Among over 50 papers he has published, over 30 have been included in SCI. Besides, he has been granted 4 national patents and was awarded 1 Provincial Scientific and Technological Progress Prize. He is also the member of the Nuclear Engineering Mechanics Branch of Chinese Nuclear Society, the assessment expert of Scientific and Technological Achievements in Sichuan Province, Member of Chinese Mechanical Society, and Reviewer of such journals asOxidation of Metals andApplied Surface Science, and Editorial Board Member ofMachinery.